Live trade for today

Live RUT Calendar I put on during Sheridan TV today with RUT around 1715. B 1  Oct 5  1715 C, S 1  Sep 21  1715 C,  8.95 Debit. Look for 6% in next 1-2 days, sell out for 9.50 Credit. If spread goes under 8.30,down 8%  get out.


Dan Sheridan

Live Trades from Todays SOM TV Episode

Spec Directional Trade with AMZN at  $1961  -33. Bullish Butterfly looking for a slight rebound over next  week.  Sep 14 Expiration.  Buy 1  1985 C, S 2  2000 C, B 1  2015 C,  1.20 Debit. Looking to sell this out for 1.60 Credit or higher.

Income Trade in SPX. 15 day Butterfly in the Sep 15 Weeklys. B 1  2840 C, S 2  2880 C, B 1  2915 C,  13.15 Debit. Looking to sell out the spread for 13.95 credit or higher over the next 1-3 Trading Days.

Dan Sheridan

SheridanTV Live Trades from Thursday Aug 2

#1  GLD: Sept 21 Expiration, Bullish Butterfly.  B 1  114 C, S 2  117 C, B 1  120 C  .82 Debit. Spread trading around .88-.89 area today with GLD trading higher at 115.06  +.54.

#2  NFLX:  Aug 10 Expiration, Bullish Butterfly.  B 1  342.5 C, S 2  352.5 C, B 1  362.5 C,  2.35 Debit. Spread Trading about .30 lower today with NFLX at 340.70 -3.78.

#3  SPX:   Short Term Butterfly. Aug 10 Expiration. B 1  2800 C, S 2  2830 C, B 1  2860 C,  11.80 Debit. Spread trading around the same price as what I paid with SPX today at 2836  +9.

Watch yesterdays episode below.