Live Trade: SPX 11 Day Butterfly

SPX  2770.59 at 12:15 central.  Jun  29  Expiration.  11 Day Unbalanced Butterfly

B 1   2740 C,  S 2  2770 C,  B 1  2795 C    9.65 Debit. Margin/Risk $965

Beginning Greeks:  Price  2770     Deltas  -1.38   Theta  19    Vega  -58

Profit target and Max Loss:  8 % Profit and 10% Max Loss of Margin/Risk of $965.

Will keep it simple and use no adjustments.

Mid Price now is 9.65 and not filled yet but still keeping my bid at 9.65 Debit.

Live AAPL Butterfly Trade

B 1  Jun 1  182.5 Call,  S 2  Jun 1  187.5 C,  B 1  Jun 1  192.5 C,  1.84 Debit.  Margin and Risk  $184.  11 Day Butterfly Trade. Filled at 12:09 PM CT, with AAPL at 188.

Profit Target : 20% or $35 for every 1 contract. Sell out Butterfly at $2.19 Credit. Max Loss is 20% or $35 for every 1 contract. If Butterfly price goes from 1.84 to $1.49, get out.

Why am I trying to get 20%?  Because 10% Profit target for every 1 contract would be only $18, and after commissions , there wouldn’t be much less. This is a very cheap dollar trade, only an outlay ( debit) of $184 for every 1 contract.

Dan Sheridan

Live Double Calendar in SPX

Double Calendar  B 1  Jun 8  2750 C,  B 1  Jun 8  2690 P, S 1  May 25  2750 C, S 1  May 25  2690 P  16.30 Debit

Profit target: Sell Spread at 17.45 credit for about 7% profit. Max Loss when Spread decreases under 14.80, loss of around 10%

Dan, covered the trade in more detail in the video below.